Selfish is as selfish does

Forrest Gump told us life is like a box of chocolates but my life and ways have told me am I allowed one of those chocolates and am I selfish for having even one of those chocolates or if you have children like me you barely get to eat those chocolates . Recently I was … Continue reading Selfish is as selfish does

Skating to a different beat

All my thoughts are flooded by recently are owning a pair of quad skates and just enjoying some time to myself with my music in my ears and transporting myself to a time when I was happier though I do remember being transported to times whenever I felt like I achieved something someone was always … Continue reading Skating to a different beat

An apple a day or some strong bleach will keep the doctor away

Well after 7 years of working at Debenhams it came to an end just as we knew it would but still didn't suck any harder than it was...closing the doors forever on an institution. With lots of soul searching and wondering what I was to determine next is a new adventure working in a complete … Continue reading An apple a day or some strong bleach will keep the doctor away